ADHD Australia
Information about ADHD for adults, children and families.
Beyond Blue
Wide ranging information and advice about depression, including a depression checklist.
Black Dog Institute
Information on mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder.
Blue Knot Foundation
Support for survivors of childhood abuse and trauma including professional telephone counselling, information and resources.
Butterfly Foundation
Support for people with eating disorders including telephone and online counselling, information and resources.
Dementia Australia
Detailed information about dementia and related illnesses.
Head to Health
Australian Government web portal that provides a selection of relevant mental health care services and information.
Headspace (Australia)
National youth mental health service. How to see a counsellor locally or get help online or over the telephone.
National Eating Disorders Collaboration
Current evidence-based information and resources on eating disorders.
Reach Out
Online mental health service especially for young Australians.
SANE Australia
Fact sheets, video and podcasts that explain mental illness and related topics. There is an active web forum that anyone can join.